Swift Heroes 2024

Swift Heroes 2024

A deep dive into SwiftData
2024-04-19 , Sala 150

With the release of iOS 17, the new SwiftData framework was introduced which takes full advantage of macros and uses Swift to save the data present in the App. The purpose of this framework is to minimize the efforts of developers in managing their models and the relationships between them, this management is not limited only to the single device but also allows integration with iCloud.

SwiftData cannot be used with Apps that support older iOS versions but has the potential to be a perfect basis for new Apps or to be introduced to new features and coexist with other frameworks.

The purpose of this talk is precisely to learn about this lunge framework, starting from the simple saving of a model up to the competition, migration from other frameworks or the management of multiple schemes at the same time.

We will also talk about how safe it is to save data on iPhone with SwiftData, the best practices that can be followed with its use and the disadvantages it could bring if used.

I'm passionate about mobile development. I decided to start this long journey with iOS development but I am slowly discovering other frameworks. I love discovering and learning new tools to continuously improve my code and the apps I create.
I am constantly looking for new challenges that take me out of my comfort zone and make me grow both professionally and personally.